Contact Me!

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I would love to hear from you!

3 Responses to Contact Me!

  1. beth says:

    Hey, I just found your blog via a comment you left at Cherry Picker. I am local and have been looking for more local resources for going greener, more organic etc. Can’t wait to snoop around more and look forward to seeing your new posts (I saw you were recommitting for 2011–thought you might like to know you have a potential new reader!! :). Thanks!

  2. Thanks so much!!! I’m still developing a focus but I’m loving sharing my thoughts through this blog…I have definitely re-committed and appreciate your support!

    PLEASE let me know if there are areas/topics/issues that you would like me to post about…I am all about catering to my potential readers 🙂

  3. Jen says:

    Knowing you are a Kent girl, thought you might be interested in

    re: the international student run market in Acorn Alley

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